Dr Ali Asghar Talebi - President of ESI
Openning speach 


Dr Ghadir Nouri-Ghanbalani - Chairman of IICE4
Impacts of global warminng on pest insects


Dr Francisco J. Peris Felipo - Keynote Speaker
Insect Declines and How We can Fight Against it in Agriculture


Dr.  Mohammad Javahery - Keynote Speaker
Biology, morphology, and phylogeny of eggs in some true bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera)  


Dr. Hossein Rajaei - Keynote Speaker
Towards an Iranian Catalogue of Life; Lessens from the project "Lepidoptera Iranica


Dr. Paul Beuk - Keynote Speaker
An Outline of the Knowledge on the Iranian Diptera


Dr. Mehrdad Ahmadi - Keynote Speaker
From Science to Practice: Sterile Insect Technique Against Mediterranean Fruit Fly in Iran


Dr. Alireza Zamani - Keynote Speaker
The Limitations and Shortcomings of DNA Barcoding as a Sole Taxonomic Tool


Dr. Mar Ferrer Suay - Keynote Speaker
Closer Look to Charipinae (Hym.: Cynipoidea: Figitidae) as Aphid Hyperparasitoids

Dr Sajad Noori
Lepidoptera under peril: investigating conservation gaps and impacts of climate change across the hotspots of Iranian Lepidoptera


Dr Terine Benjamin
First Distributional Record Of Andreimyrme Substriolata (Chen, 1957) And Odontomutilla Fletcheri Lelej, Terine & Girish Kumar, 2020 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) From India